Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Dan Black and Kid Cudi Get Wonky

"Wonky pop" is a British term refering to the catchy, eccentric indie pop originating in the mid 2000's.  The genre takes its roots in 80's New Wave and dance from artists like David Bowie, Madonna, and Duran Duran.  British music columnist Peter Robinson writes in The Guardian
"In the early 80s, the idea of a pop star was someone who was unusual or eccentric or fantastic in some way... Everything that's happened in the past 10 years, especially with TV shows where people are voted out if they're a bit weird, suggests the best way to become a pop star is to keep your head down and not get noticed, not have much of a sense of individuality or style."
Clearly with acts like Lady Gaga, Kid Cudi, and Florence and the Machine taking the charts by storm, being different and somewhat offbeat have been the key to success in pop music.

Here is a cool video for "Symphonies" by British wonky pop artist Dan Black, featuring Kid Cudi. Inspired by the credits of a variety of classic films, this music video really revitalizes the song with some awesome throw backs and special effects.  Rock on.

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