Thursday, August 25, 2011

Watch This: Class

1983 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc.

Here is another great film from 1983, full of humor, scandal, and a healthy dose of 80s preppy style.  I just watched this the other day and was thoroughly entertained.  I love 80s movies and this one is especially cool because it features some of the great teen actors of the decade before they became famous.  Along with the future "Brat Pack" actors Andrew McCarthy and Rob Lowe, John Cusack and Alan Ruck can be seen as fellow classmates, as well as Cliff Robertson as the school's headmaster.

Rob Lowe as "Skip" 1983 Orion Picture Corp. Photo by Jim Zenk

Jonathan (McCarthy), the inexperienced freshman, becomes roommates with the wealthy and suave Skip (Lowe) at the fictitious prep school called Vernon Academy.  After many failed attempts to prove himself to his classmates, Jonathan takes a trip to Chicago in search of a love interest.  Coincidentally, the flirtatious woman he meets at a bar ends up being his roommate's mother.  As you can imagine, things can only go downhill from there.

This is Andrew McCarthy's film debut, who would co-star again with Rob Lowe two years later in the 1985 classic,  St. Elmo's Fire (another great film).  Class may not be the wittiest comedy of the 80s, but its an enjoyably awesome preppy time capsule worth watching.

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