Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Beach Boys and Hurricanes

Image via theBeachboys.com
Arrg so I am going on three days without power in the wake of Irene's tour of the East Coast. It has actually been a breath of fresh air to be rid of technology and an opportunity to accomplish some more constructive pursuits i.e. cleaning out my closet, drawing, and kayaking upstate (post storm of course).  Nonetheless, I  write by candlelight on my Blackberry to tell you about a very cool preview video that came out yesterday for the highly anticipated box-set release of the Beach Boys "lost" Smile album on November 1st. 


This special edition box-set from Capital Records includes the original album tracks and awesome original artwork, never before seen photos, and even two vinyl LPs of "Heroes and Villians" and "Vega-Tables" - very nice.  It also has 5 CDs with over 140 tracks and studio banter - awesome! Check it out...
and pre-order here!

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