Monday, August 8, 2011

Pinterest Virtual Pinboard

I am obsessed with this site!  Pinterest is a place where you can create online inspiration boards using everything you love on the web.  The website's goal is simple - "to connect everyone in the world through the things they find interesting."  It's a great way to organize your thoughts, and for visual people like me, seeing everything together looks awesome. 
My Inspiration Board
To promote a sense of community, new users must be invited by current users or they can request an invite from the site (the easier option).  Once you're in, it is incredibly easy to get started by installing the bookmarking tool and surfing the web.

Another cool feature is the ability to search other people's boards and "following" them.  If you find something you really like on another board, just simply "re-pin" it to your own board.  

My first board is a collection of things that inspire me and define my personal style acting as a complement to my blog.  I invite you to check out mine and encourage you to make your own. Get pinning!

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