Monday, May 2, 2011

Jack Peñate

Image via Clashmusic

I've been hooked on Jack Peñate's music for a quite a while now.   This Brit really knows how to jam.  The signet ring wearing 26 year old from the UK has smashing style and a sound to match.  Known to sport quilted jackets, tweed blazers, and oxfords, he doesn't fit the traditional mold of British Indie Rock acts.  His music is an innovative mix of rock and soul with enough hooks to keep it danceable.  An attendee of St. Olave's Prep and the Alleyn's School in London, and grandson of the British writer and poet Mervyn Peake, he's a true prep at heart.

image via Chinashop
Here is a great video showcasing Mr. Peñate's musical talents as well as his signature style.  It comes from his Everything is New album, which is definitely worth a listen.  One of his friends and former bandmates, Felix White, is the current guitarist in another great band called the Maccabees. Enjoy!

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