Thursday, June 9, 2011

Watch This: Risky Business

I've been enjoying my time off by re-watching all of my favorite preppy 80's movies.  First on the list - Risky Business.  Put together a young Princeton bound teen, played by a young Tom Cruise, and a weekend of debauchery while Mom and Dad are away, and you have a foolproof Prep plot.  Oh and throw in a Porsche for good measure. 
Image via Movieart
This film put Tom Cruise on the map, and you can see why as he perfectly channels his character Joel's angst, which lends to some hilarious interactions throughout the movie.  

Along with arguably one of the most famous dance scenes in 80s movie history, it has a really great soundtrack, and a plethora of quotable one liners - not to mention the prominence of Ray-Bans and Sperrys.  I love this film because of its message that sometimes in life you just can't care and do something totally off the cuff.

It's a summer fav.

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