Friday, June 3, 2011

To Judge a Book by Its Cover

Recently while strolling through the bookstore in search of some summer reading, I found myself ignoring the age-old idiom to not judge a book by its cover.  At the checkout counter I realized that inadvertently the cover of every book I chose had a visually striking or innovative cover.  As I opened my first book, I realized that it was designed by Chip Kidd, famous for his iconic Jurassic Park cover, and more recently the cover design of Lisa Birnbach's True PrepKidd has designed covers for hundreds of books redefining literature as art. 

Image via

Dwell Magazine's "Design Leaders Film Series" offers a nice retrospective of Kidd's work in graphic design and also his extensive Batman collection.  He's a really fascinating guy with a great sense of humor, and this video will make you realize the visual influence of design and style.

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