Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Looking Good with Put This On.com

Around this time of year, many of us are looking for summer jobs, or in my case real jobs, so I thought I would share this video from Put This On.com filled with tips on interviewing, looking good, and honoring tradition (sorry girls this one only covers the guys).  There is also a great interview with master of style and director Paul Feig.

It just so happens that Paul Feig is the man behind some of my favorite TV shows from Mad Men to 30 Rock to Arrested Development.  He also just finished directing Bridesmaids, which you should definitely see in theaters - very funny.  Mr. Feig really understands the meaning of being stylish without trying too hard and the power and confidence that comes with looking good.  I admire his sartorial philosophy.

Also noteworthy is the segment with Roxanna from Nerdboyfriend.com, a really cool blog that takes pictures of style icons and finds similar outfits available to purchase today.  This take on Tom Wolfe is classic. (For the records, The Right Stuff really is a great film and is Watch Instantly on Netflix!)

There are also many helpful pointers and tricks in this video, so take it from the guys at Put This On.com to look good and start taking yourself seriously...but never too seriously.  

For more helpful videos check out Putthison.com

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