Friday, February 18, 2011

Oliver Peoples

The words of a Leonardo DaVinci, "simplicity is the ultimate sophistication" duly sums up what Oliver Peoples eyewear has stood for over the past 25 years.  It makes frames and sunglasses inspired by the preppy "Ivy League" look mixed with old Hollywood style.

Their recent advertising campaigns are short films featuring stylish actors and musicians ranging from Zooey Deschanel to Devendra Banhart -each one is a stand-alone work of art.  I really love the clip from last year starring Elijah Wood and Shirley Mason (from Garbage), directed by music photographer Autumn de Wilde.  Called "Les Enfants S'ennuient le Dimanche" (The Children Are Bored on Sundays), the two play Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers and the video evokes the mood of a bygone era.  The red dining room is rad!

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