Monday, September 26, 2011

Jewell & Ginnie Storyography

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Jewell and Ginnie is a production company that focuses on good old-fashioned story telling to convey ideas through film and photography.  The Charleston based company has been implementing it's "story first" approach since last year and turning out some really visually fantastic work.  This image-rich description from their website defines their inspired vision: 

Sunlight plays across a fisherman’s weathered face as he hauls in the last nets of the morning. A knowing glance, accompanied by a chuckle bounces between two brothers, who happen to be renowned chefs, as they speak their love of Southern food. An Irish vista of emerald green edged by a white-capped Atlantic blue, the finesse of a painter’s deft fingertips smoothing paint on a canvas. It’s a look, a whisper, a smile–a fleeting moment of unscripted life. THIS IS STORYOGRAPHY.

I really liked this short film they did in collaboration with photographer Sully Sullivan.  It's a short for Charleston Fashion Week called "Back Into the Wild" and shot in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina.  I've been watching it over and over again because there's so much to see and the music goes so well.  On Sully's website, OhSully!, you can see the accompanying photos from the shoot.

Jewell & Ginnie also have done many videos for TwelveSouth, the innovative company behind the BookBook.  I posted the most recent one for the incredibly cool BookBook for iPhone on the Signet Seal Facebook page.  I'm still getting it started but I will be updating the Facebook page with more photos and videos of cool stuff - so 'like' it and stay in the loop!

Also, check out the Jewell & Ginnie blog to see more of their awesome work!

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